From Zumthor to Pelleport
From Cologne to Pelleport there is only one brick, the Kolumba, developed by Peter Zumthor in collaboration with Petersen Tegl in 2000 for the Museum of St. Columba's Church in Cologne. The legendary 528 x 108 x 37 flat brick is used by Avenier Cornejo to form the facades of a 6-storey building dedicated to the elderly located rue Pelleport in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. Borrowing its majesty and its durability, Christelle Avenier and Miguel Cornejo offer the inhabitants and staff of this sensitive program a dignity and serenity that spread into its garden and its interior spaces. Therefore, they offer rue Pelleport a new contemporary architectural occurrence: after Soler at 99, Borel at 131 and Bruther at 135, there is now Avenier Cornejo at 180. Who was talking about a deprived context ?