Atlas of situations
The only adventure concerning all people since the conquest of space is the reconquest of the planet and the possibility of living here with the hospitality of our climate and without the hostility of a random virus. The unprecedented health and social circumstances that we are living through are a tremendous accelerator of transformation and awareness. Before being free, we are above all equal in vulnerability, linked in interdependence, united in risk and responsibility. The Anthropocene should not make us forget that we are part of the scene, that the Deus ex machina does not exist, that biodiversity is about "us with the living", not us against or above the living. The current crisis validates the scenarios that many foresaw: the flexibility and reversibility of programs are as vital as solidarity and the integration of productive, knowledge, logistics and regenerative functions in the heart of cities. Carbon neutrality, local circuits, reduction, reuse, recycling: local and global must now be reconciled in a reasoned architecture. Let’s anticipate the present.
Photo: model house "Burgenland Type" Small Garden, Settlement, and Housing Exposition, 1923, Vienna.