Adapt, absorb, dialogue

loci anima is an architecture, design and urban planning office founded by Françoise Raynaud in 2005. Based in Paris, winner of several international competitions, she develops a work apart, driven by the desire to unite people and establish links between the built and the living, in buildings designed as living beings. Witness the Pont-d'Issy district, the Millefeuille tower in Manhattan, the Weston showroom on the Champs-Elysées, the Fauvettes cinema, the Alpha media library in Angoulême, the macro-lot A4-Est in Boulogne-Billancourt, etc. For loci anima, we imagined, produced and created a new website that promotes messages from the office — to adapt, to absorb, to dialogue — as so many invariants that run through a rich and original production. Like its founder. We love you Francoise. Concept & production: AHA – Webdesign: Spassky Fischer