Deconstructing Without Demolishing
In Rennes, the city and the museum transform each other reciprocally

The new Museum of Fine Arts – Maurepas will open in early 2025 at the base of the refurbished social housing building known as “La Banane,” opposite the new Gros-Chêne metro station. It is the result of a strong political commitment to ensure equal access to and participation in cultural life for all, while also reshaping the image and accessibility of the Museum of Fine Arts.
Two free temporary exhibitions, drawn from the museum’s collections, will be presented each year, one of which will be co-created with local residents. This facility, soon to be joined by a toy library and an early childhood center, was designed by the architectural firm Titan (AJAP 2018) and Archipel Habitat, the social housing provider that owns the building and oversaw the project management.