The Europeans
A year away from European elections, A H A is organizing a series of press trips in order to show the transformative dynamic in selected spatial practices. In 2023, the Europeans take the road from Berlin to Vienna and Brussels. A curation by AHA & abc works.
In hardly any other city are the layers of local history, whether the legacy of development or destruction, as clearly and ubiquitously legible as in Berlin. Berlin became both a field of experimentation for urban planners and architects, and a playground for culture and subculture. This is the reason why we chose Berlin as the first destination of The Europeans, from May 5 to 7.
Visionary modernism in social architecture at the turn of the 20th century, what succession does Vienna leave for Secession? During design week, The Europeans visit Vienna to verify whether or not designers still hold an influence over how we live together. Vienna back to the future? from September 28 to 30.
Surreal and conceptual Brussels incarnates The Europeans with its capacity to escape stereotypes, reinvent the huge business districts, Art-Déco villas and industrial buildings. Cultivating post-national localism, Brussels is an European story that continues to attract designers, architects and curators attracted by its permissive and flexible environment. Brussels, XXL European fiction, from November 8 to 10.
We forget it when we live there, we ignore it when we live far away: no European city has changed paradigms as much as Paris. In 15 years, its spatial boundaries have exploded, going from a city of more than 2 million inhabitants to a metropolis of more than 7, leading to an upheaval in mental representations of the territory. Conquering these new frontiers meant betting on a new ecological and social habitability, of which the Grand Paris Express and the JOPs are accelerators. Two months before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and the hangover that will necessarily follow, AHA invites European journalists to discover what Greater Paris means.